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For Developers

Cartoview provides GeoApp Market for GIS Developers.

Create and Add your django app to Cartoview

Create a new empty app from Cartoview App template as below in your Cartoview project directory.

cd cartoview_project/apps startapp --template= <app_name>

Edit cartoview_project/apps/apps.json and add an entry for your app. If you can't find apps.json, create it and add the following lines:

    "app_name": {
        "active": true,
        "order": 1,
        "pending": false

Add stores using the following command inside Cartoview project directory.

python loaddata app_stores.json

Add the new app to the database using the admin interface at /admin.

Developers app


Don't forget to check Single instance option if you want to test it for the first time.

Developers app

Now open Cartoview, navigate to Apps, your app should be there.

Developers app

Click Explore button to open the app home page.

Developers app

Congratulations, now you have created your first app on Cartoview. You can upload it to Cartoview App market to make use of the features provided by this market.