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Cartoview Core Installation | Windows


This guide describes how to install and configure a fresh setup of Cartoview to run it in DEBUG mode (also known as DEVELOPMENT mode) on Windows 10 64-bit clean environment.

This part of the documentation describes installation of Cartoview-1.33.2 which comes with GeoNode-3.3.2.post1 and GeoServer-2.19.6.


Those guides are not meant to be used on a production system. Instead, you can follow the Docker guide.


The following steps will use shell commands that you must enter on a local terminal (e.g. CMD, Powershell, etc.).

If you plan to customize Cartoview & GeoNode user interface components to your needs, it's recommended to use Cartoview Windows Installer. Check the available Windows installer guide.

Installation Requirements

Python Setup

Download and install Python-3.8.10 32-bit.

Make sure to check the option Add Python 3.8 to PATH so that we can use it inside the local terminal.


If Python is not added to PATH, check this tutorial regarding How to add Python to Windows PATH.


After installing, open your local terminal (e.g. CMD) and execute the following command to make sure python is installed and added to PATH correctly.

# Should print Python 3.8.10
python --version

Create a Python Virtual Environment

Make sure virtualenv is installed by executing:

# Should print virtualenv 20.10.0
virtualenv --version


If virtualenv is not installed, install it with pip install virtualenv.

Create a folder in the directory at which you want to install Cartoview and Let's name it cartoview_service (You can name it whatever you want).

Inside cartoview_service folder, open your local terminal (e.g. CMD).

Create a virtual environment and call it cartoview_venv.

virtualenv cartoview_venv

Now after creating the virtual environment, activate it so that it can be used.



You would notice how your prompt is now prefixed with the name of the virtual environment, cartoview_venv in our case. This indicates that your virtualenv is active.

Each upcoming command must be executed while the virtual environment is activated.

GDAL Installation

GDAL can be installed through OSGeo4W. But this time we need to install it manually inside our virtual environment.

Download GDAL‑3.2.3‑cp38‑cp38‑win32 wheel file from the Unofficial Windows Binaries for Python Extension Packages.

Install downloaded GDAL wheel file with pip in the virtual environment.

pip install GDAL-3.2.3-cp38-cp38-win32.whl

Install GDAL

Database Installation

In this section we are going to install PostgreSQL database along with the PostGIS extension which is a spatial database extender for PostgreSQL. It adds support for geographic objects allowing location queries to be run in SQL.

Install PostgreSQL 13

Download PostgreSQL Windows installer certified by EnterpriseDB from here. We will use version 13.5.

Open the downloaded executable file and proceed with the installation.

Choose the components that you want to be installed in your system. It's recommended to leave it as default.

PostgreSQL Components


This will install pgAdmin4 which is a GUI management tool for PostgreSQL database.

Enter a superuser password. This is the one by which you will access all your databases including what we will create next, so please save it.

PostgreSQL Password

Leave everything as default and continue.

Before click on Finish, make sure to leave the check on for the stack builder to start it after finishing.

Select PostgreSQL 13 (x64) on port 5432.

Stack Builder

Install PostGIS-3.1 and select Next to download all the required files.


Select PostGIS. Click Ok for any prompt appears.


Now PostgreSQL database is successfully installed and running.

Access PostgreSQL

Using Terminal

We can access PostgreSQL through command prompt, but first we need to add the bin directory of PostgreSQL to PATH system variable.

Add PostgreSQL to Path

Open a CMD terminal and connect to the database with user postgres with the password that you set during the installation.

Connect with CMD

Using pgAdmin4

In the search bar (beside windows icon), search for pgAdmin4 application and run it.

Set the master password that should be used each time you open pgAdmin4.

Set Master Password

Navigate to left panel, under Servers dropdown, right-click and create a new server, we will name it Local PostgreSQL-13.

Create PostgreSQL Server

Add the server information including the password that you set during the installation.

Create PostgreSQL Server

Click Save. Now the installed PostgreSQL server is connected successfully to pgAdmin4.

You can now access PostgreSQL dashboard inside pgAdmin4.

pgAdmin4 Dashboard


You may notice that there's an already created database called postgres that will be used to create Cartoview databases.

Database Configuration

In this section we are going to configure PostgreSQL to create and connect to Cartoview databases.

Update Access Policies for local connections

Update access policies for local connections in the file pg_hba.conf available at C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\13\data to be able to connect to the database without password.

# "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only
# local   all             all                                     peer
local   all             all                                     trust

Restart PostgreSQL to make the change effective.

In the search bar (beside windows icon), search for Services and open it then navigate until you find postgresql-x64-13 and restart it.

Restart PostgreSQL

Create Cartoview Databases

Create two new databases cartoview and cartoview_datastore.

You can create the databases using one of two approaches, through CMD terminal with SQL commands or using pgAdmin4 GUI.

SQL Commands with CMD

Open a CMD terminal and open psql command line.

# Open psql command line
psql -U postgres
# Create database named as cartoview and cartoview_datastore
CREATE DATABASE cartoview_datastore;

Add PostGIS extension to the created databases to deal with the geographic objects.

For cartoview database:

# To be executed at CMD terminal
psql cartoview -U postgres

# To be executed at psql terminal

Exit the PostgreSQL terminal with \q

For cartoview_datastore database:

# To be executed at CMD terminal
psql cartoview_datastore -U postgres

# To be executed at psql terminal


The previous step must be done for the two databases, cartoview and cartoview_datastore.

Using pgAdmin4 GUI

Open pgAdmin4 and under Local PostgreSQL-13 tree, right-click and select Create >> Database.

Create Database

You will be prompted a pop-up to enter information about the database like the name and template.

Under General tab, set the name of the database to cartoview and under Definition tab, set the template to template0.

Database Name

Add postgis extension to the created database cartoview.

Add PostGIS Extension

Repeat the previous steps to create the second database, cartoview_datastore.

Cartoview Installation

As Cartoview is build on top of GeoNode, we need to install GeoNode first.

Install GeoNode

Navigate inside cartoview_service directory and make sure cartoview_venv is still activated.

Clone GeoNode-3.3.2.post1 from GitHub.

git clone -b 3.3.2.post1

Edit requirement.txt and setup.cfg files commenting the production and test packages alongside pylibmc and sherlock as they are not compatible with Windows environment.

Install GeoNode packages.

pip install -r requirements.txt --upgrade --no-cache --no-cache-dir
pip install -e .

Install Cartoview

Navigate inside cartoview_service directory and make sure cartoview_venv is still activated.

Download Cartoview 1.33.2 version by cloning the repository and checkout the release tag.

git clone -b v1.33.2

This will create a folder called cartoview inside cartoview_service.

Navigate to cartoview directory and install cartoview dependencies.

cd cartoview
pip install -e .

Add Cartoview Environment Variables

Cartoview requires adding some environment variables while running it or executing commands through terminal.

It's recommended to use PyCharm which is a powerful python IDE that has a lot of features to offer.

Create a new PyCharm configuration and add the following environment variables accordingly. PyCharm Configuration






PyCharm Configuration

It's required to add them also to the terminal configuration. PyCharm Configuration

But the following variables only.





This means that you must ONLY use Pycharm terminal in order for everything to work properly. To be able to use CMD, add the environment variables mentioned above to Windows by following this guide.

Import GDAL Library

As we have installed GDAL before, we need to import the location of its libraries into Cartoview settings.

Navigate to cartoview\cartoview\, create a file there called, and add the following content.

import os
from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib

if == 'nt':
    os.environ['Path'] = (r'%s\osgeo;' % (get_python_lib())) + os.environ['Path']
    os.environ['GEOS_LIBRARY_PATH'] = (r'%s\osgeo\geos_c.dll' % (get_python_lib()))
    os.environ['GDAL_LIBRARY_PATH'] = (r'%s\osgeo\gdal302.dll' % (get_python_lib()))

Import this file in cartoview\cartoview\ to be before GeoNode settings.

from cartoview.pre_settings import *
from geonode.settings import *  # noqa

Import it also in cartoview\

As Django-2.2.24 doesn't support GDAL >= 3.0, we need to add the installed GDAL version inside django.

Navigate to django package in the virtual environment site-packages and modify the Django GDAL package python file available at \path\to\cartoview_service\Lib\site-packages\django\contrib\gis\gdal\ according to the following.

# Replace this line
lib_names = ['gdal203', 'gdal202', 'gdal201', 'gdal20', 'gdal111']
# With this line
lib_names = ['gdal302', 'gdal203', 'gdal202', 'gdal201', 'gdal20', 'gdal111']

To make sure everything is working properly, open Pycharm terminal and make sure the cartoview_service virtual environment is activated, navigate inside cartoview_service/cartoview, and run the following command.

python check

Should print something like this: Check Project

Migrate & Load default data

Inside cartoview folder, run the below commands to migrate and load Cartoview data.


  • Make sure the virtual environment is still activated (If you see its name prefixed your prompt, you're good to go).
  • Make sure to add the above environment variables to the terminal so that the following commands run smoothly.

Migrate the data.

python makemigrations
python migrate

Load default User.

python loaddata sample_admin.json

Load default oauth apps so that you will be able to authenticate with defined external server.

python loaddata default_oauth_apps.json

Load default Initial Data for Cartoivew.

python loaddata initial_data.json

Load default Cartoview Appstore data.

python loaddata app_stores.json

Collect static files.

python collectstatic --noinput

In order to make the ArcGIS Importer app work properly, generate API keys.

python backfill_api_keys

Test Development Server

Check if Cartoview is working as expected.

python runserver

Open a browser and check if cartoview is running at localhost:8000.

Cartoview website

You should be able to successfully log with the default admin user (admin / admin) and start using it right away.

Now we have Cartoview up and running. The last thing we need to do, is to install and configure GeoServer.

GeoServer Installation

Cartoview comes with a pre-configured GeoServer available by GeoNode. So it can be installed with Paver commands.

If you check the file, you can see multiple created tasks like, setup_geoserver, start_geoserver, and stop_geoserver.

Install Java and OpenJDK

As GeoServer is built with Java, we need to install it alongside Java SE Development Kit 8u311 the jdk-8u311-windows-x64.exe, specifically.

After installing both, open Pycharm terminal and make sure they are installed.


You may need to restart Pycharm after installing Java.

java -version


  • Make sure the virtual environment is still activated (If you see its name prefixed your prompt, you're good to go).
  • Make sure to import cartoview\ to

Run the task called setup_geoserver to download a customized version of GeoServer WAR file (provided by GeoNode) and setup jetty.


  • Jetty provides a web server and servlet container. It's used to host GeoServer.
  • The file called dev_config.yml holds the download URL for GeoServer and Jetty.
paver setup_geoserver

This will create two folders, the first one called downloaded, it contains the downloaded required files and geoserver which contains all the files related to GeoServer.

Start GeoServer

Run the task called start_geoserver to launch jetty on port 8080 and start GeoServer.


Make sure nothing is running on port 8080.

paver start_geoserver

GeoServer Logs

GeoServer is now available and running at http://localhost:8080/geoserver/. GeoServer

Make sure you're logged in with admin/admin in Cartoview at http://localhost:8000/ then navigate to http://localhost:8080/geoserver/ and click on the GeoNode button to use the pre-configured authentication between GeoNode and GeoServer. GeoServer Login


You can also log in with the default GeoServer credentials admin/geoserver, but using GeoNode button is easier.

You can change the admin password by navigating to Security > Users, Groups, and Roles. Select Users/Groups tab, select admin user, and you can now update the password as you want. Change GeoServer Password

Stop GeoServer

GeoServer can be stopped by running the task stop_geoserver.

paver stop_geoserver


When GeoServer is stopped, the jetty server got down also but all the uploaded data (e.g. layers) is saved in the folder called geoserver in cartoview directory.

Post-Installation Notes

Congratulations! Cartoview is now installed successfully.

You can upload layers, create maps, and install Cartoview apps to visualize these maps.


If you got an error like the following message while uploading a layer, make sure to remove the PROJ_LIB environment variable from Windows system environment variables. RuntimeError: PROJ: proj_identify: C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\13\share\contrib\postgis-3.1\proj\proj.db lacks DATABASE.LAYOUT.VERSION.MAJOR / DATABASE.LAYOUT.VERSION.MINOR metadata. It comes from another PROJ installation.

Once Cartoview is installed, You can navigate to the apps page to check and install all available apps from the App Store.

After installing any app, you may need to restart the running django server if you can't see your app in /cv_apps.